Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Astha!!!

Birthday Gift

There are things I'd like to say
to you Astha on your special day:

I am forever thankful God sent you my way.

Like a gift from up above,
you showed me how it is to feel close.

I know many mountains we've had to climb
and sometimes forever has seemed like a very long time.

Bigger mountains may lie ahead,
but together there is no hill we can not tread.

So always remember Astha for you,
and there is nothing you can not do.

I'll be here forever .
The person beside me, that would be you.

Flowers describe you better

Its Your Birthday

Today is happy
It most certainly is
Shake a pop
And make it fizz

Fly a kite
Or take a nap
Slap a knee
And pat a back

Run or skip
Without a care
Or fly a plane
If you dare

Swim or skate
Take your pick
Hit a mailbox
With a stick

Fall or trip
Laugh or play
Do whatever
Its your Birthday

Say to all, Its my day :)

Happy Birthday Means Much More

"Happy Birthday" means much more
Than have a happy day.
Within these words lie lots of things
I never get to say.
It means I love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to me,
And that I'm proud of you.

But most of all, I guess it means
That I am thinking of you
on this very special day,
Happy Birthday.

Jump and Break some furnitures :)

I Miss You On Your Birthday
I miss you on your birthday,
Not only for your smile,
But for the piece of me that's gone,
Left within your care.
I'm in an empty hallway
And have been for awhile,
Gazing inwardly towards home,
Neither here nor there.
How quickly we've turned distant!
The months pass by like years.
How could friends so inseparable
So soon seem so apart!
How imprecise the instant
Held hostage by my tears!
Though Time may seem insatiable,
I have you in my heart.

Happy Birthday Astha!!!

Happy Birthday To A Special Friend!
Happy birthday to a special friend!
Although I haven't known you many years,
Perhaps because you've dried so many tears,
Pleasure reigns as I these greetings send.
Your happiness should last till all things end!
Because you've been so sweet and understanding--
In toughest times you've made me laugh and smile--
Rejoice in your own specialness awhile:
This I'm not requesting but demanding!
How else to make yourself the celebration,
Doing what does not come naturally?
Always your concern has been for me,
Yet now you must endure my adoration!